The Social Promotion Foundation Publishes its 2023 Annual Report

Throughout this year, we have developed 31 projects in 18 countries around the world: Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Israel, Palestinian Territories, India, Venezuela, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Cameroon, Kenya, Ethiopia, Spain, and Italy.

Behind these numbers, 158,258 people, with their effort and determination, have been the protagonists of their own development. From their reality, they have managed to improve their own lives, as well as those of their families and communities.

Thanks to their dedication and commitment, we have been able to advance in our mission to promote social justice, equal opportunities, and sustainable development through our work. But equally fundamental and essential has been the support and collaboration of all our funders, partners, donors, and volunteers. Their generosity and invaluable help have allowed us not only to continue our exciting mission of promoting and preserving the dignity of people around the world but also to empower them to build their path towards a better future.

Thank you to everyone who has made this possible and is committed to a more just and equitable world for all!